Stop oil drilling in Lofoten! – Stop ai pozzi di petrolio in Loften!

In accordo con Ola, Responsabile Stampa del TAC, pubblichiamo questa news, chiedendovi di supportare questa causa.

Stop alla perforazione nei mari di Loften per ricavarne pozzi di petrolio!
The Artic Challenge chiede di entrare in azione!
Firma la petizione per salvaguardare Loften, uno straordinario angolo di Paradiso
norvegese: manda un email a con il tuo nome, cognome e la tua residenza (meglio se indirizzo completo).
Contiamo sul tuo aiuto per fermare i piani di perorazione di Loften!

The Norwegian Government and the International oil industry are planning to start searching for oil just outside the coastline of Lofoten. In addition to the oil drilling, the oiltankers with their dangerous cargo represent a risk for an environmental catastrophe effecting Lofotens fragile coastal environment. An invasion of oil industry would stand for a dramatic wound to the aesthetic symbol of this stunning arctic nature.

The minister of Environment in Norway has nominated Lofoten to UNESCO’s World Heritage List; protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. All of you who have been there clearly know why. It is beyond our comprehension that the Norwegian Government, who already brings in around 30 billion dollar a year in oil income and have a national oil fund of 155 billion dollar, is even considering an oil project in this “holy” area. It is also a direct contradiction to the Norwegian tourist strategy which focuses on presenting a clean nature to the International tourist.

The Arctic Challenge has been working with the environmental organisation Bellona for several years. We are now picking up this fight together and we intend to win it. But there is a huge risk that the oil industry and Government will prevail if this becomes a Norwegian issue only. Especially the oil industry has enormous recourses. They are already influencing national and local politicians, business, media and organisations with their powerful apparatus.

We need International pressure to stop this project. Lofoten is a part of the world’s heritage. The Norwegian government cannot decide about Lofoten without listening to the International opinion.

The International boarding community is perhaps more qualified to initiate this opinion than anyone else. You have all been there and enjoyed the beauty and peace of the clean Lofoten mountains and sea. We urge you to support this cause by replying. It is parlament election in Norway this fall, and your voice will influence the agenda and the crucial decisions that need to be made.

We will keep you updated on the developments of this important issue.
For more information, please visit the Bellona web site – click here!

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